What We Do

Our role is to help and support families in the Auckland region who chose to home educate. We like to think of Auckland Home Educators as a bridge across the many local groups in Auckland, sharing information and opportunities. We are not a ‘support group’ but we want to help families find out what is going on in their local area and connect with their local support group. We run annual regional events that draw families together from all over Auckland.AHE is run entirely by volunteers who are home-schooling parents.  In addition to running many events we we work with the Ministry of Education to ensure that home education remains a viable option for us all.

Our income is mainly from membership fees. We usually run our events on a break even basis. We appreciate donations and sponsorship.

AHE offers a range of membership benefits to current members including:

  • An AHE email loop
  • An e-newsletter six to eight times per year
  • Discounted entry to AHE run events including the Art Fair, Science Fair, History Fair and other events such as Parent Forums

Our AHE-only email loop is a wonderful way to connect with the homeschool community, find out about AHE and other events that are happening in your community or ask questions.

Our Objectives are:

  • To offer support and information to all home school parents and guardians in the Auckland region.
  • To make representation relevant to home education on behalf of AHE’s membership to maintain and improve present conditions for home educating.
  • To provide members with basic information regarding legal and administrative requirements to educate their children at home.
  • To establish a network of home educating families and support groups in the Auckland region and beyond, providing an avenue for communication.
  • To encourage positive local support for home educators of all creeds and philosophies. This requires that AHE members accept each other’s differences and focus on their common ground.
  • To provide access to relevant information for home educators.
  • To provide extension to parent and child education through such means as workshops, seminars and conferences.
  • To provide home educating families the opportunity for social interaction from time to time.

If you wish to see the full list of our objectives and our constitution, these can be viewed here.