We’re here to help and are happy to answer any home education questions you have.
Director: director@ahe.org.nz
Admin/Events: admin@ahe.org.nz
Government Liaison: govtliaison@ahe.org.nz
General Enquiries: enquiries@ahe.org.nz
ID Cards
Please note that we are no longer offering this service but they are still available through NCHENZ. Please go to their website to get an ID card for your child. They will add the AT Hop logo – all good for use on Auckland Transport, and suitable for formal examinations: https://www.nchenz.org.nz/student-id/.
Page: facebook.com/AklHomeEducators
Group: facebook.com/groups/HomeEducatinginAuckland
Call us on our information line 09 3022 866.
Please remember that we are home-educating parents so if we do not answer immediately, try again later!
If you would like to make a donation or need to make a payment, please deposit into our account: AHE a/c 12-3011-0543821-00