Date: Monday 9th September 2024
Time: 7:30pm
Location: Online Meeting; code will be sent out once your registration and payment are received.
AHE Member: $10 per person or $15 per family (Not a member? Join here!)
Non Member: $20 per person
Secondary Options for Homeschoolers 2024
- What are the options for teenagers who choose to homeschool through the secondary years?
- How does NCEA work, and how do home-schoolers access NCEA?
- How do you do the GED® + SAT?
- What’s Cambridge?
- Are there alternative options?
- How do you enter university as a homeschooler?
This AHE Parent Forum is to help you learn more about the options so that you can make an informed choice for each of your children. Many families choose a different option to suit each child. This year’s event will be online so come and find the answers you need.
If you have any questions regarding this event or any Ministry issues, please email